How to add video to Detailed Pages?
This page explains about - "How to add video to Detailed Pages" (at the beginning of the Detailed Page)
Note that 'video' in Detailed Pages is supported only in a two Detailed Pages Designs. (Goto 'Detailed Pages' sheet and look for 'Design' column in Column F). Thought the below names say 'Images' - videos are supported as well.
Image top & Text bottom
Image left & Text right around
Image right & Text left around
If you want to try video in Detailed Pages design, just add Video link (Youtube link or mp4 link or webm link) in 'Detailed Pages' sheet -> Design Column (Column F) for the required rows.. Otherwise you can just use images also simply.
Below video formats are supported.
Youtube link
Note that 'video' in DetailedPages is supported only in a few Designs as mentioned above.
Goto 'Detailed Pages' sheet and change the dropdown value in 'Design' column (Column F) for the required rows to try this feature.
Sample view
Last updated