
This sheet contains the configurations where user would like to do on Header.

This sheet is used to operate the controls on Header. Following are the options available.

1. Style



Font Name

Select a font name from the drop down which should be applied on 'Text' attribute on Header.

Font Color

Enter the Hex Code of the Font Color or just enter the color name as 'red', 'green', 'purple' etc. which should be applied on 'Text' attribute on Header.(Font color will be overridden if the 'Color' is given in Header content for respective 'Text' Attribute)

Background Color

Color Name or Hex code can be entered to change the background color of the Header(If image link is given ,background color will be overridden).


Link of the image should be provided to get it displayed on Header.

2. Template Design



Header design

Based on the design selected from the dropdown 'Header Content' and 'Image (from Style)' given will be adjusted on the Header.

3. Email subscription




Yes - If selected, Mail subscription option(Place Holder Text box and button) will be displayed on Header.

No - If selected, Mail subscription option( Place Holder Text box and button) will not be displayed on Header.

Place Holder Text

Enter the text that should be displayed in the text box as a place holder.

Subscription Button Placement

Next to the Inbox - If selected, button will be placed next to the text box.

Below the Inbox - if selected, button will be placed below the text box.

Button Background Color

Color Name or Hex code can be entered to change the background color of the subscription button.

Button Font Color

Enter the Hex Code of the color or color name to change the font color of the subscription button.

Button Text

Text to be entered which has to be displayed on Subscription Button.

Mailchimp Subscription Link

Link to be navigated to subscribe a user should be entered.




Yes - If selected, Search Bar will be shown on the website based on Search Bar Placement.

No - If selected, Search Bar will not be shown on the website based on 'Search Bar Placement'.

Place Holder Text

Place holder text should be entered to get it displayed on the search text box.

Search Bar Placement

In Nav Bar - If selected, search bar will be displayed on the NavBar.

Top of Header - If selected, search bar will be displayed on the Header to the top.

Middle of Header - If selected, search bar will be displayed in the middle of the Header.

End of Header - If selected, search bar will be displayed on the Header to the bottom.

5. Header Content



Attribute Name

Text - If selected, content entered will be displayed as Text.

Link - If selected, content entered will be displayed as Link Button. On click it will be navigated to the link given in 'Link' column.

Button- If selected, content entered will be displayed as Button. On click it will be navigated to the link given in 'Link' column.

Text Size

Select a size of the attribute to be displayed from dropdown.


Color Name or Hex code should be entered in which Text/Link/Button will be displayed.


Content to be displayed on Header should be entered for selected Attribute (Text/Button/Link).


Link to be navigated click of the attribute(Link/Button) should be provided.

Last updated