
This sheet contains the configurations where user would like to do on Navigation Bar.

This sheet is used to operate the controls on navigation bar. Following are the options available.

1. Style

Style Settings for NavBar



Background Color

Color Name or Hex code can be entered to change the background color of the NavBar.

Transparent Background

Yes - If selected, Navbar will be displayed with Transparent Background. No - if selected, Background color will be set with the color selected in 'Background Color'.

Stick Nav Bar

Yes - If selected, NavBar will stick to the top during scrolling of the page. No - If selected, NavBar will be visible only after full scroll up.

Logo/Text Settings for NavBar



Image or Text

Image - If selected, respective image provided in column 'Image Link' will be displayed on the NavBar.

Text - If selected, respective text provided in the column 'Text' will be displayed on the NavBar.

Image Link or Text

Image Link - If selected, link of the image should be provided to get it displayed on NavBar.( Should be entered only if 'Image' is selected in previous selection).

Text - If selected, Text should be provided to get it displayed on NavBar.( Should be entered only if 'Text' is selected in previous selection).

Font Name

Select a font name from the drop down.

Font Color

Enter the Hex Code of the Font Color or just enter the color name as 'red', 'green', 'purple' etc.

3. Menu

Menu Settings for NavBar



Font Color

Enter the Hex Code of the Font Color or just enter the color name as 'red', 'green', 'purple' etc for 'Menu' content.


Center - If selected, Menu items will be displayed in Center of the NavBar.

Left- If selected, Menu items will be displaced to the Left of the NavBar.

Right - If selected, Menu items will be displated to the right of the NavBar.

4. Menu- Detailed

Table to add different menu




Name of the menu


Link to be navigated to on click of the menu item should be provided.

Markdown text

Name of the menu should be provided which has to be displayed on NavBar.

Image Link

Link of the image should be provided if menu item should be displayed as image instead of text.

Last updated